Check out the awesome weekly deals this week!
11988256_10205279948107324_2195380311532309121_nHere are some photos from my weSTAMP Regionals last month! We had such a great day together, stamping and having fun!!!

I am a candy corn FANATIC, so you can imagine how much fun this candy corn colored bag was for me! All you do is use post it notes to mark off the lines and sponge with ink  and your sponge! I inked both sides of the bag.

I then turned our flat bags into gusseted bags! Just score 3 sides (sides and bottom, not the top) at 3/4″ and fold on score lines to create bag!IMG_8788

The goody bags pictured below were filled with projects supplies and new products. I found the orange and black bags at Oriental Trading Company.

The bag tags were made by my creative downline, Sue Parker! LOVE that gal, she is so good to me!!! THANK YOU SUE! I forgot to take a photo of the darling name tags, which coordinated with the bag tags.



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Let me know if you would like to get in on the fun by attending weSTAMP Regionals! I host these quarterly for my team!

I’d LOVE for you to join our community! Please contact me for more information!

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