This summer while taking a quick weekend trip to Minnesota to visit friends, I had a chance to stop in and visit the Stamp ‘n Storage facility! I was headed to my friend’s home at the lake. I went through Hutchinson, and vaguely remember that this is where Stamp ‘n Storage’s headquarters is!

  This sweet gal gave me a tour of the facility.

Not only that, almost a year ago I was sitting next to this sweet gal (I can’t even remember her first name!) at OnStage! I sat down beside her and we worked on our Make and Takes. I noticed her logo jacket that said Stamp ‘n Storage. I said, “OHHHH! Do you have any of their products?” She got a sheepish grin on her face and said, “That’s us!” Oh my goodness, I was sitting next to the owner of the company!!!!!! It was so fun chatting with her, and because my home town of Redwood Falls is SO CLOSE to Hutchinson, I told her maybe next time I’d check it out! SMALL WORLD!!!!

They have fabulous products! I had already made over my craft room with a different system, but if I ever do it again, I will be using their products! I do have some of their organizer products. Their website can be found HERE

What a fun day!!!

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