I still have more retreat photos for you, but taking a quick break from them to post a Halloween project or two! SOON it will be Oct. and I need to post Halloween ideas before it’s too late!
My favorite stamp set for the Halloween season was Trick or Tweet. The cutest little animals are in this set!
If you know me well, you know I have a fetish for candy corn – not necessarily to EAT them (although they are YUMMY with peanuts), but the decorate and use the color scheme with! Seems every year some how I incorporate the 3 candy corn colors in a card. Here’s this year’s version!
The little sign is hard to see, here’s a better version of the laminated sign I made. THANKS Jennie Portonova for sending this cartoon to me! She knows I get a kick out of candy corn things!
The witch feet are from Michael’s Craft Store.
Recipe for card: