Get even more for your buck! Spend at least $50 on your order and you will receive an extra $5! Earn in July, redeem in August!

Be sure to use the Host Code to the right for orders under $150 please.

If you’re wish list is just too long with the catalog, why not become a team member and get a boat-load of products for a fraction of the cost? For only $99 (and free shipping) you can choose $155 in products for starters (this is $30 more than normal), THEN get a coupon for an extra $10 to be used by Oct. 31st! In a nutshell, that is $165 in new products for only $99!

You can then purchase your products at a discount! No worries about holding classes or events, just join to purchase at a discount! You can be added to my private Facebook team page, and there’s a lot going on there if you wish to participate! Prizes, sharing, and making like minded new friends!

You can sign up HERE.


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