The photo above is the Celebrate Magnetic Board, available from Stampin’ Up! Be sure to look at the bottom of this post to see what it looks like when you will get it. I used mine in my weStars weeKend retreat and changed everything! That’s the beauty of this magnetic board, you can create ANYTHING! We used this for our “Kitchen Krews”.
Here are some more photos from are weStars weeKend!
Be sure to play this video below!! It is a 20 second video of our guest, the Lunch Lady! She is actually one of my creative and funny team members, Chris Brouwer! We kicked off the weekend with the Lunch Lady, and she gave us instructions for how the kitchen duties will work.
Click HERE to see the hilarious video (or click the photo below of the Lunch Lady)
Here’s the magnetic board I was talking about! It’s SOOO COOL!!!