All Through the Year Banner Class Starting in January!

IMG_0311How would you like to make and display this home decor project in your own home?

And better yet, how about switching the banner theme each season so you can display it year round?
Then these classes are for you!
We will start off with the Valentine’s Day Banner Class!

Valentine’s Day Banner Class
Wednesday, January 20th
Class Fee: $55 (includes barn wood frame, chicken wire that is attached to frame, and LOVE banner)
Frame Dimensions: 29″ x 21″

We will make 1 banner per class – there will be more banner classes offered throughout the year with a new banner for each season (spring, summer, fall, winter – I may throw some extras in there as well!)

Each class stands alone, in other words, if you sign up for one class, you aren’t committed to taking ALL of the banner classes. Pick and choose which banner classes you want to attend!

The intitial class is a little more expensive, because the frame and chicken wire cost is included. Once you have your frame, you won’t need to purchase that each time – you will just be charged the price of the banner.

Start the year off by joining us for the Valentine’s Day Banner Class! The actual banner pieces are made from corrugated card stock (hard to see in the photo), with LOTS of added embellishments from the NEW SPRING CATALOG! It’s hard to see in the photo, but the words LOVE are made with Blushing Bride GLIMMER PAPER! It’s very SPARKLY!!
The embellishment kit ($14.50 value after tax and shipping) that is found in the new Spring Catalog is included in this class! You will get WAY MORE embellishments than we will use in class!
The extra items (see the individual personal photos and what they are mounted on) are not included in this class – but because you are getting the embellishment kit in the class, it won’t be hard to tailor the extras to your needs!

This is a PREPAID class because of the amount of materials that need to be ordered.
Please RSVP by JANUARY 4th!

Please email if you have any additional questions!

Class is available in kit form – please email me for details!

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