Football Cookies! PLUS Hershey Nugget Purse!

Another passion I have, besides papercrafting, is cookie decorating! Here are some of my treats for Super Bowl Sunday yesterday! I got an airbrush for Christmas for my cookie decorating, I just need more practice now!

Here’s a project – so simple and easy! Brenda Quintana has an awesome tutorial on how to make these, individually OR if you are making a bunch of them assembly line style! Her instructions can be found HERE. I added a tassel to my purse by wrapping the Baker’s Twine around my finger about 3 times, then tying off. This 12×12 Designer Series Paper is FREE by ordering $50 during Sale a Bration!

Hope you enjoy this little nugget treat!

Stamp on Cookies!

One of my downline, Jean Piersanti, hosted a cookie class! We had so much fun learning some helpful tips in decorating cookies and how to stamp on them!

It’s super simple, use your favorite cookie and icing recipe. Let the icing dry completely. Then color your stamps using an edible marker like this. They can be found HERE. Stamp the image on your cookie. It’s as simple as that!

This Little Piggy stamp set is perfect for this! I colored him in using Edible Pink Dust Powder with a brush found HERE.

Notice the cute little pizza box, which will be available in the new holiday catalog coming out Sept. 1st!


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