My Paper Pumpkin Half Off! And Garden in Bloom Card Ideas!


How would you like a surprise in the mail each month, full of fun papercrafting items that are fast and simple? If you have never tried My Paper Pumpkin, NOW is the time to give it a try! Did you realize it is HALF OFF for 2 months (new subscribers only). The deadline for the half off promotion is Sept. 10th. That makes it just $9.95/month for 2 months! And shipping is included!

You can sign up HERE. Be sure and use HALFOFF where it asks for the promo code. THANK YOU!

If you would like to see some of the past kits, you can visit the My Paper Pumpkin Pinterest Page HERE.

Here are a couple projects from my classes this month! They feature the stamp set Garden in Bloom! Designer Series Paper is English Garden.

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