Guess what’s back in stock! The Honey Bee bundle! Get it while it’s here! This bundle has been back ordered for a bit, but grab it now while it’s back! You can order from my online store HERE and please use Host Code 6XUNVNBW. Thank you!
I’ve been anxious to share these projects that one of my UBER creative downline, Gina Shappa made for a team event we had in February! Shortly after she presented, these went back order, so I have saved this post for when they are back in stock! Gina did a whole presentation on the Honey Bee Bundle! Wait til you see these projects! You can find Gina’s FB page HERE, called Saturday Morning Stampers!
Gina die cut the honey comb out of Fun Foam and then made her own stamp! HOW COOL IS THAT????
Here’s a get well mug with honey, and tea!