I got an email today from the editor of Craftsylish.com today. She wrote a post on her site about Father’s Day gifts and included an image a similar wallet card that I did at my stamp club last month. She linked it to my blog for instructions.
The link to her website is HERE

I had NO IDEA this was going to be such a populare idea for Father’s Day! It has been brewing in my head for quite some time now, but I was just waiting for the Father’s Day season. There are quite a few versions out there, and it has been so fun seeing everyone’s “take” on it. The funny thing is, my husband saw me creating it, so I can’t even give it to him for Father’s Day! I did make him a tool card, instead. You can see that if you scroll down a bit.

To see the original post of the wallet card on my blog, just click HERE

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