Look at Mario, who is made out of punches!! Terri Guymon (one of my friends AND downline) made this, can you believe it? Mario is a refrigerator magnet, and was included in a birthday thank you card to our son. I have had many requests on what punches Terri used, so she GRACIOUSLY sent me a “recipe”. Here it is!! (Thanks Terri!)
Here is Luigi!
Terri’s son turned 7 and she threw an AMAZING birthday party with a Mario theme. I wish you could see the photos of the birthday party! A big semi truck was converted into a GAME TRUCK, and was there for 14 boys to play video games. (Their website is HERE.)
Terri made a mushroom cake and mushroom cupcakes. One of their party favors was a small white box with question marks stamped all over it, with GOLD CHOCOLATE COINS inside. EVERYTHING went with her theme. Here is a photo of her cake. Her cake was even featured on the COOLEST BIRTHDAY CAKE website, which can be found HERE.
This was the most creative little boys birthday party I have EVER SEEN! GREAT JOB TERRI!! Move over Martha Stewart!!!
I'm so sorry, I didn't make this, so I don't know which punches were used. 🙁 I am going to tell Terri she NEEDS to start a blog, though!
can you give us the punches that were used.
Oh, now thats impressive!
Oh my, that is just SO cool, as my girls put it when I showed them. They're big fans (Luigi is their favorite), and think the punch art was awesome. Thanks for sharing it with us!
OMG!!!! I am so gonna make one of those! How COOL is it!! The party sounds like an absolute blast!!
What a cute magnet
I just love the different ways
punches are used.
Are you kidding me?!? This is SO cute!!! Love Mario and it looks just like him! Wow!