Here’s a photo of all the gals who attended the weSTAMP Christmas party this year. LOVE these gals!!!!!!  If you think most of us are looking a little “tacky”, it’s because it is an “Ugly Sweater” Christmas Party! We had so much fun and I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time!
IMG_0738I had so much fun making these jars for the gals! My good friend, Terri Guymon (I have mentioned her a lot in many of my blog posts, she’s amazing!) made the cookies. She does such a great job and not only are her cookies BEAUTIFUL but they are so TASTY! (I like softer sugar cookies which is how she makes them.) Everyone who attended the weSTAMP Christmas party got these goodies.IMG_0697 copy IMG_0698 copy

We voted on our favorite “ugly sweater” and the winner was Rose! She had pickles danging from her sweater. I’ll never look at a pickle again without thinking of her! IMG_0774

Here’s another creative sweater by Sue Parker! Sue’s our MDS queen who has many FREE give aways on her blog HERE! She made her sweater out of a TREE SKIRT! How creative is that!


Of course, Sue is quite creative with her computer skills, and she made this photo after the party, which I giggle at every time I see it!580636_1400345713538321_1180887817_n

Patti’s sweater was fun, too, with ornamnets hanging off of her as well. Patti is SO SWEET, she works at the church where we have our Team Meetings. SO BLESSED to have her in our group!IMG_0703

LOVED Jean’s creative sweater as well. Jean has an amazing blog with a lot of great videos on it! You can find her blog HERE. I often refer to those to get INSPIRATION!!!

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Last but not least, here is my ugly OUTFIT! I couldn’t find a sweater at Good Will. It is CRAZY because ugly sweaters are the rage for Christmas parties! They told me I would have to arrive and stand in line before the doors open to get a good ugly sweater. If only I would have saved mine from YEARS ago when I made them with iron ons and fabric glue!


We had such a great time! More photos will be posted in the next few days.

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