Here’s a project I’ve been working on this week! This is a birthday gift for a VERY SPECIAL FRIEND of mine, Nancy Riley! It is a “picnic themed” gift. The items are placed ontop of a picnic style platter. Also included are napkins, cupcakes (grilling theme), a pincic basket with goodies inside, and a sandwich card!

The picnic basket and card patterns were from Lynn Pratt, whose blog can be found HERE. Lynn has AMAZING creations!!

Here are the cupcakes I made. I found these on the Family Fun website.

If I can help you with your stamping needs, please visit my website HERE! Also, the $99 promotion deal is ending soon! I’d LOVE to have you join my team! You will instantly become a weSTAMPER. (See previous post HERE for some of the fun things we do!)

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